TSi is committed to fostering a high-performance work environment where all employment decisions -- related to hiring, working conditions, benefits, promotions, and other privileges of employment -- are based strictly on merit, qualifications, and business needs.
TSi uses a "best-athlete" approach for both employees and applicants for employment regardless of race, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, veteran status, disability, pregnancy, marital status, or genetic disposition. We simply seek the best!
At TSi, we recruit, select, develop and retain people who are extraordinary. The individuals who are great enough to be hired by and stay with TSi are the best, the boldest and the brightest people we encounter who are both personally and interpersonally masterful. They have personal humility and professional intention. We describe these folks as having the Seven A’s of Success, which include:
Do you consciously see the glass half full and promote positivity in your sphere of influence on a daily basis? Great!
Attitude is the fundamental determinant of success in life. Attitude is the only thing over which you have complete control. Choosing a positive and intentional attitude is contagious and multiplicative. Attitude includes being cheerful, determined, respectful, creative, supportive, and helpful.
Do you continuously set challenging targets for yourself that keep you moving forward and upward? Wonderful!
Ambition is the desire for achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to complete tasks and reach goals. Ambitious people seek to be the best at what they choose to do. Ambitious people inspire others with their zeal, confidence, and energy.
Do you effortlessly and regularly draw people to you with your grace, humor, warmth, energy and charm? Excellent!
Attraction is the interpersonal force that draws people to want to work with you and be a part of your sphere of influence. Attraction also makes people willing to invest in you and learn from you.
Do you choose to think, look, walk, talk and behave like a true champion of enterprise transformation? Outstanding!
Attributes are the manifestations of professional demeanor and polite manners. Important attributes include garments, posture, body language, neatness, diction, organization, and business etiquette.
Do you have a growing network of professional contacts interested in the area of enterprise transformation? Marvelous!
Access is the degree to which you have (and are expanding) connections with personal and professional contacts who might want to do business with TSi. Access is networking with a purpose: the intention of building new business and hiring new talent.
Do you have natural talents and innate strengths aligned with the high-end professional services industry? Super!
Aptitude is an innate component of a competency to do a certain kind of work at a certain level. Mental aptitudes are revealed through consciousness, expression and application of the mind.
Do you know how to effectively apply leading edge solutions associated with your job’s domain of responsibility? Terrific!
Ability is the learned capacity to perform at a high level the myriad domain-general and domain-specific skill sets associated with the business of transformational leadership consulting.