TSi uses a suite of proven assessment instruments, including various medical and psychological tools like psychological and personality inventories, DiSC Assessment, Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), CPI 360 Coaching Report for Leaders, StrengthFinders 2.0, The Thomas Kilman Conflict Inventory, Human Synergistics Life Styles Inventory (LSI), TSi’s proprietary Leadership Effectiveness and Potential (LEAP) program, among others. With this rich data and honed creative skills, TSi takes a deep dive, aligning individual with group development. The implementation can include anything from one-on-one coaching, to executive workshops, to training, advancement and succession plans.
TSi believes in engineering organizational transformation one individual at a time. We use performance measures as motivational tools. Our approach to staff development blends our range of expertise—from behavioral and organizational psychology to best business practices and process engineering—to see each individual in perspective. Our plans align personal with organizational goals which put individuals and groups in charge of their futures.
In supporting the development of key contributors, organizations benefit individual assessment data to help build on strengths, identify areas of concern, and develop effective courses of action to improve one person at a time.