Contact: Janelle Millard, Director of Strategic Initiatives
571-384-0936 |
ALEXANDRIA, VA – June 28, 2017—ENERGIZED ENTERPRISE: Leading Your Workforce to New Peaks of Performance in the Public Sector and Beyond (Greenleaf Book Group Press; Hardcover; September 15, 2015) by TSI CEO Dr. Marta Wilson, is now available in audiobook format. In this book, Wilson gives public and private sector leaders the formula to advance to the leading edge while lifting their workforce to new heights. Wilson says that the key to a successful enterprise is having an empowered and energized workforce which blossoms directly from effective leadership and management. And she provides a tool chest to do just that—address the challenges individuals face in becoming great, effective leaders.
Dr. Wilson provides specific steps to improve effectiveness by putting people and the total enterprise at the forefront of a leader’s strategy and daily actions. She offers fundamental principles of effective leadership, seven key leadership rules, as well as research, stories and practical examples. Each chapter leaves the reader with food for thought in the form of questions for reflection, discussion and action. These questions allow the reader to take a look inside their enterprise and develop strategies that make them more effective, leaving leaders at the helm of a more energized workforce that is motivated, engaged, and making a bigger difference.
Energized Enterprise is available in bookstores and online. The audiobook can be found here.
About Transformation Systems, Inc.
Transformation Systems, Inc. (TSI) is an executive strategies and management systems engineering firm committed to helping clients work leaner, faster, and smarter. TSI’s multi-disciplinary team of experts help customers boost efficiency, effectiveness, quality, productivity and savings. The TSI team has been recognized repeatedly for helping federal agencies achieve bold transformation goals. When leaders must improve enterprise performance without increasing their budgets, they call TSI for proven solutions.
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